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E-books.. Kindle ...Mobi ... Kobo ... Nook ...iPad
'One in three ebooks sold on Amazon are self-published.'
The days of looking at self-publishing as a last option are long gone, according to a new report ...{The Telegraph, by Sophie Curtis 27/] ... Indie authors as a cohort [are therefore] the largest publishers of ebooks on in terms of market share.... Self published authors earned more in royalties during the last quarter than Big five (publisher) authors. Self published authors now earn nearly 40% of all ebook royalties on Amazon.
You do want your book to go on Kindle don't you? Or Mobi or Kobo or whatever?
Tambourine Press can give you support, help and guidance. It's relatively easy to upload but you have to edit the book file in a certain way first or your copy can get muddled. We can help with that - either provide a HOW To sheet or do it for you.
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