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Tambourine Press likes to publish poetry written not for the literary establishment, the intelligentsia, the academics.  


We want poetry written for ordinary people, that inspires and entertains, that reflects ordinary life, birth, death and relationships.  


We want poetry written about and by our diverse human populations and cultures, poetry that makes us laugh or cry and like a painting by a good artist, makes one look again at a scene, a situation, a feeling, an emotion, an experience and see it with fresh eyes.


We want to see we're not alone, that others too have felt and experienced what we are feeling, experiencing. Above all we want to be entertained.

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Dolly Mix

A Take Your Pick Poetry Collection


Dolly Mix is Anna Meryt's second collection of poetry and as the title suggests it's a mixture of poems, written over the last 10-15 years.


These are poems are for every day enjoyment, they're about ordinary life, about the high street, about popping down the shops, buying new shoes, the difficulties buying a bra or does God like football. About life, death and anything in between that pops up. 


These poems that are easy to understand and will hopefully resonate with a wide audience.  You don’t have to be a literary critic to appreciate these poems – you can just say – Oh yes I like that one, or Oh I felt like that when... or Oh I’m not alone then, it happened to someone else.. or even Oh no! I don’t like that one... whatever your response, it’s all fine by the author.  


Many of these poems have also been published in various anthologies and magazines.

Heart Broke

Most people have experienced loss or grief due to a relationship ending, no matter how it came about. This collection of poems is for you.  All the poems were about the end of whichever relationship the author was in at the time.  It was always painful and felt like no one could understand or appreciate the pain of it all.  It always seemed questionable how to survive... but somehow …. you do. 


If you are going through a relationship ending, you may find an echo in this collection. Perhaps by reading these poems you'll know you are not alone. 

Review by Gold Dust Magazine

Who is there who hasn't at sometime heard words to the effect, 'There are no guide books for relationships'?  Well, one may now exist in Heart Broke by Anna Meryt.


Stop right there if you are imagining another insipid volume of gut wrenching love poems.  Rather imagine a strong woman who is undefeated by loss, a survivor... (cue Gloria Gaynor).


Read a copy of the full review here


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